Extract Powered by AccomplishTM (Extract PBA) is a biocatalyst formulated to maximize nutrient release from a grower’s fertilizer investment. Extract PBA helps growers easily manage nutrients tied up in the soil and in crop residue by accelerating the release of existing nutrition and increasing nutrient availability. Tank mix Extract PBA with herbicides for spring burndown applications or use it with liquid fertilizers to enhance spring broadcast applications. Can also be used in fall.
Product Benefits:
See how Extract PBA increases soybean yields in these Midwest soybean trials.
Simply fill in your information to access the study.
5601 Granite Parkway
Suite 740
Plano, TX 75024
Phone : 800-787-3724
Email : info@agricen.com
Always read and follow label directions. Check state registration to make sure product is registered in your state. Results may vary depending on soil, climate or other conditions. California Department of Food and Agriculture does not recognize the term biocatalyst as a beneficial term for fertilizer material.